Thursday, October 18, 2007


Haven't written anything on this blog for a while. Been working on multiple sonic machine projects and need to tie up some loose ends.

Sonic Washing Machine
Still not 100% finished the refill. Produced some more patches. Reason had been updated to version 4 and I'm attempting to develop a version that will utilize the new devices. I'd like to finish it soon as it would be nice for it to be one of the first refills released for this version.

Will be exhibiting the live show again soon with a few tweaks.

Sonic Racing Car
I've been playing with the sounds and I'm looking to test it at an exhibition soon. Rather than develop a custom controller I'm using a joystick to trigger sounds and control parameters.

Vinyl (Working title)
This is a new piece which will use the sounds of multiple record players. It's looking at 'unwanted noice' that occurs when using turntables. This time I'm focusing more on developing work for exhibition purposes rather than to create more refills.